Aleksey Ogulenko, PhD

I received my PhD in Mathematics from Odesa National University Ukraine in 2018, in parallel to the modeling and statistical research at the Ukrainian Institute of Transport Medicine.
My research in the Lab is devoted to the transportation modeling and analysis of the mobile phone data for better urban mobility.
Journals Editing
Researches in Mathematics and Mechanics (http://rmm-journal.onu.edu.ua), Publication Editor
O. P. Ogulenko. Asymptotical methods in the study of dynamic systems on time scales. PhD thesis, I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University, 2018.
A. Ogulenko. Asymptotical properties of social network dynamics on time scales. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 319:413–422, 2017.
O. D. Kichmarenko and A. P. Ogulenko. Averaging of multicriteria control problems of systems on time scales. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, 56(1):33–43, 2017.
A. P. Ogulenko. Parial averaging of systems on time scales. Researches in Mathematics and Mechanics, 22(1 (29)):32–45, 2017.
A. P. Ogulenko and O. D. Kichmarenko. Averaging of the problem of optimal control on time scales. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 212(3):290–304, 2016.
A. P. Ogulenko and O. D. Kichmarenko. Full averaging scheme for equations on time scales. Visnyk Odeskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu. Matematyka i mekhanika, 17(4(16)):67–77, 2012.
Applied statistics and mathematical modeling
J. V. Chumaeva, V. V. Golikova, A. P. Ogulenko, and L. M. Shafran. Modeling of individual differences in the tasks on differentiation of visual signals in the "imposed rhythm" mode. Ukrainian Journal of Occupational Health, (1):39–50, 2017.
J. V. Chumaeva, V. V. Golikova, A. P. Ogulenko, E. V. Pavlova, and L. M. Shafran. Principles of logistics in psychological provision of work of industrial enterprise. J. Current problems of transport medicine, (1(47)):61–72, 2017.
J. V. Chumaeva and A. P. Ogulenko. Medical-and-psychological rehabilitation of trunks-drivers as factor of their occupational health preserving. In Bulletin of the XVI V. V. Podvysotski Readings, pages 372–376, 2017.
L. M. Shafran, J. V. Chumaeva, O. P. Ogulenko, and S. G. Sidorenko. Features of psychophysiological functions recovery of the vehicle drivers on the stages of medical and psychological rehabilitation. J. Current problems of transport medicine, 2016.
J. Chumaeva, V. Golikovа, J. Nekhoroshkova, A. Ogulenko, and L. Shafran. Creating a system of medical and psychological rehabilitation of extreme professions representatives (firemen-rescuers as a model). Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 5(8), 2015.
L. M. Shafran, J. V. Chumaeva, A. P. Ogulenko, and A. L. Stadnik. Psychophysiological peculiarities of the structure of important professional qualities in operators of AES. Ukrainian Journal of Occupational Health, (3):57–65, 2013.
L. M. Shafran, E. M. Psyadlo, J. V. Chumaeva, A. P. Ogulenko, and A. L. Stadnik. Ways to improving reliability of psychophysiological occupational operator selection for NPP in Zaporozhye. Ukrainian Journal of Occupational Health, (4 (33)):48–54, 2012.
L. M. Shafran, V. V. Golikova, T. S. Nezavitina, and A. P. Ogulenko. Solving forecasting problems in the system of psycho-physiological support of training and labor activity of navigators. Herald of Marine Medicine, (2 (56)):8–14, 2012.
I. Kalinskaya and A. Ogulenko. Model of diagnostics of risk of bankruptcy of ukrainian unprofitable enterprises. Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basiсs and innovative approach, page 133, 2012.
L. M. Shafran, O. P. Ohulenko, O. V. Tretyakova, and D. I. Leonova. Mathematical modeling of the problem combined action components of polymeric materials. J. Current problems of transport medicine, (4):26, 2011.