G. Ben-Dor, I. Klein, A. Ogulenko, I. Benenson. (2022). Modal Shift and Shared Automated Demand-Responsive Transport: A Case Study of Jerusalem. Procedia Computer Science, 201, 581-586. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
G. Waizman, S. Shoval, I. Benenson (2022), Motion Planning in Dynamic Environment Using Maneuverability Maps, Artificial Life and Robotics, 27(3)
A. Ogulenko, I. Benenson (corresponding), M. Toger, J. Östh, A. Siretskiy (2022) The fallacy of the closest antenna: Towards an adequate view of device location in the mobile network, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 95, 101826
Fulman, N., Benenson, I., 2021, Establishing and assessing adaptive parking prices in the city: Algorithms, software and examples in Albalate, D., Gragera, A., (eds), Parking Regulations and Management, The emerging Tool for a sustainable city, Routledge, p 46-61
Benenson, I., Fulman, N., 2021, The simple complex phenomenon of urban parking, Chapter 15 In J. Portugali (ed), Handbook on Cities and Complexity, Elgar, p 295-317
N. Fulman, I. Benenson, 2021, Approximation Method for Estimating Search Times for On-street Parking," Transportation Science, forthcoming
A. Ogulenko, I. Benenson (corresponding), I. Omer, B. Alon, 2021, Probabilistic positioning in mobile phone network and its consequences for the privacy of mobility data, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, v. 85, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2020.101550
Fulman, N., Benenson, I., 2021, Establishing and assessing adaptive parking prices in the city: Algorithms, software and examples in Albalate, D., Gragera, A., (eds), Parking Regulations and Management, The emerging Tool for a sustainable city, Routledge, p 46-61
G. Ben-Dor, E. Ben-Elia, I. Benenson, 2021, Population Downscaling in Multi-Agent Urban Traffic Simulations: A Review and Case Study, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, v108, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.simpat.2020.102233
A. Ogulenko, I. Benenson, I. Omer, B. Alon, 2020, Bayesian estimate of position in mobile phone network, arXiv:2007.12464, [physics.soc-ph], 20p
N. Fulman, I. Benenson, E. Ben-Elia, 2020, Modeling Parking Search Behavior in the City Center: A Game-Based Approach. Transportation Research Part C, v.120, November 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2020.102800
Ben-Dor, G., Ben-Elia, E., Benenson, I., 2020, Spatiotemporal Implications of Population Downscaling: A MATSim Study of Sioux Falls Morning Peak Traffic, Procedia Computer Science v170, p. 720–725
D. Broitman, I. Benenson, D. Czamanski, 2020, The Impact of Migration and Innovations on the Life Cycles and Size Distribution of Cities, International Regional Science Review, 1-19, DOI: 10.1177/0160017620914061
N. Fulman, I. Benenson, 2019, Establishing Heterogeneous Parking Prices for Uniform Parking Availability for Autonomous and Human-Driven Vehicles, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, v. 11(1), 15 – 28, DOI: 10.1109/MITS.2018.2879192
Ben-Elia, E., Benenson, I. 2019, A spatially-explicit method for analyzing the equity of transit commuters' accessibility, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice v 120, p 31-42
N. Fulman, I. Benenson, 2019, Establishing and assessing adaptive parking prices in a city: Algorithms, software and examples, arXiv:1912.11631v1 [physics.soc-ph], 20p
G. Ben-Dor, E. Ben-Elia, I. Benenson, 2018, Assessing the Impacts of Dedicated Bus Lanes on Urban Traffic Congestion and Modal Split with an Agent-Based Model, Procedia Computer Science, v130, P. 824-829
Waizman G., Shoval, S., Benenson I. (2018) Traffic accident risk assessment with dynamic microsimulation model using range-range rate graphs, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 119, 248-262
Y. Shaham, I Benenson, 2018, Modeling fire spread in cities with non-flammable construction, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.03.010
M. Toger, I. Benenson, Y. Wang, D. Malkinson, D. Czamanski, 2018, Pigs in space: an agent-based model of the penetration of wild boars into cities, Environment and Urban Planning, 173, 70-80
N. Fulman, I. Benenson, 2017, Simulating parking for establishing parking prices, Procedia Computer Science 109C, 911–916
Itzhak Benenson, Eran Ben-Elia, Yodan Rofé & Dmitry Geyzersky 2017, The benefits of a high-resolution analysis of transit accessibility, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 31:2, 213 – 236, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2016.1191637
J. Almagor, I. Benenson, N. Alfasi, 2016, Assessing innovation: Dynamics of high-rise development in an Israeli city, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, DOI:10.1177/0265813516671311
Grinblat, Y., Gilichinski, M., Benenson, I., (corresponding author), 2016, What are the Probabilities of Land-Use Transitions? The Answer Depends on the Classification Method, AAAG, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2016.1213154
M. Toger, D. Malkinson, I. Benenson, D. Czamanski, 2016, The nature of the Haifa urban open space network, Environment and Planning B, doi:10.1177/0265813515598991
E. Hatna, I. Benenson, 2015, Combining segregation and integration: Schelling model dynamics for heterogeneous population, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, v18 n4, paper 15, http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/18/4/15.html
Schnell, I., Diab A., Benenson, I. 2015 A global index for measuring socio-spatial segregation versus integration, Applied Geography, 58, 179-188
Levy, N., Benenson, I. (corresponding author), 2015, GIS-based Method for Assessing City Parking Patterns, Journal of Transport Geography, 46, 220–231 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.06.015
Levy, N., Render, M., I. Benenson (corresponding author), 2015, Spatially Explicit Modeling of Parking Search as a Tool for Urban Parking Facilities and Policy Assessment. Transport Policy, 39 p 9-20
Y. Grinblat, G. J. Kidron, A. Karnieli, I. Benenson (corresponding author), 2015, Simulating land-use degradation in West Africa with the ALADYN model, Journal of Arid Environment, 112, 52-63
G. Waizman S. Shoval, I. Benenson (corresponding author), 2015, Micro-Simulation Model for Assessing the Risk of Vehicle-Pedestrian Road Accidents, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(1), p 63–77
A. Farhi, V. Boyko; Y. Almagor; I. Benenson; E. Segre; Y. Rudich; E. Stern; L. Lerner-Geva, 2014, The possible association between exposure to air pollution and the risk for congenital malformations, Environmental Research, 135, 173–180
G Kidron, I. Benenson, 2014, Biocrusts serve as biomarkers for the upper 30 cm soil water content, Journal of Hydrology, 509, 398–405
A. Bar-Yosef, K. Martens, I. Benenson (corresponding author), 2013, A model of the vicious cycle of a bus line, Transportation Research Part B, 54, 37–50
N. Levy, K. Martens, I. Benenson (corresponding author), 2013, Exploring Cruising for On-Street Parking Using Agent-Based and Analytical Models, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 9 (9), 773–797
N. Alfasi, S. Flint, I. Benenson, 2012, Between the individual and the community: Residential patterns of the Haredi population in Jerusalem, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 37(6), 2152–76
S. Flint, I. Benenson, N. Alfasi, 2012, Between Friends and Strangers: Residential Dynamics in a Haredi Neighborhood in Jerusalem, City & Community, 11(2), 171 - 197
I. Finkelstein, E. Zapassky, Y. Gadot, I. Benenson (corresponding author), 2012, A Lost Wisdom of Relation Between Units of Length and Volume, PLoS ONE 7(3):e33895. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033895
N. Alfasi, J. Almagor, I. Benenson, 2012, The actual impact of comprehensive land-use plans: Insights from high resolution observations, Land Use Policy, 29(4) 862 – 877
E. Hatna, I. Benenson, 2012, The Schelling Model of Ethnic Residential Dynamics: Beyond the Integrated - Segregated Dichotomy of Patterns, JASSS, 15(1), 6
I. Finkelstein, E. Zapassky, Y. Gadot, D. M. Master, L. E. Stager, I. Benenson (corresponding author), 2011, Phoenician “Torpedo” Storage Jars and Egypt: Standardization of Volume Based on Linear Dimensions, Egypt and The Levant, 21, 249-259
I. Benenson and E. Hatna, 2011, Minority–Majority Relations in the Schelling Model of Residential Dynamics – overlooked effects, Geographical Analysis, 42(3), 287–305
I. Benenson, K. Martens, Y. Rofé and A. Kwartler, 2011, Public transport versus private car: GIS-based estimation of accessibility applied to the Tel Aviv metropolitan area, Annals of Regional Science, 47:499–515
I. Benenson, K. Martens, Y. Rofé and A. Kwartler, 2010, Measuring the Gap Between Car and Transit Accessibility Estimating Access Using a High-Resolution Transit Network Geographic Information System, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, N2144, 28–35
שלומית פלינט, נורית אלפסי, יצחק בננסון, 2010, דומים ושונים: מיקרו-סגרגציה של חרדים במרכז ירושלים, סוציולוגיה ישראלית, 12(1), 81 - 110
G. J. Kidron, A. Karnieli and I. Benenson (corresponding author), 2010, Predicting soil degradation following cycles of cotton-cereal cultivation in Mali, West Africa, Soil and Tillage Research, 106, 254–262
I. Benenson, E. Hatna and E. Or, 2009, From Schelling to Spatially Explicit Modeling of Urban Ethnic and Economic Residential Dynamics, Sociological Methods and Research, 37, 463-497
T. Svoray and I. Benenson, 2009, Scale and validity of environmental microsimulation, Ecological Complexity, 6, 77–79
D. Czamanski, I. Benenson, D. Malkinson, et al, 2008, Urban sprawl and ecosystems – can nature survive? International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2, 321-366
E. Zapassky, I. Finkelstein and I. Benenson (corresponding author), 2009, Computing abilities in antiquity: The royal judahite storage jars as a case-study, Journal of Archaeological Methods and Theory, 16(1), 51-67
I. Benenson, K. Martens and Birfir, S. 2008, "PARKAGENT: an agent-based model for parking in the city", Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 32, 431–439
K. Martens, I. Benenson, 2008 Evaluating urban parking policies using an Agent-Based model of driver parking behavior, Transportation Research Records: Journal of the Transportation Research Board: N2046, 37-44
I. Benenson, K. Martens, 2008, From modeling parking search to establishing urban policy, Künstliche Intelligenz, 3, p. 3-8
E. Hatna, I. Benenson, 2007, Building a City in vitro: The Experiment and the Simulation Model, Environment and Planning B, 34, 687 – 707
I Benenson, 2007, WARNING! The scale of the cellular Automata is Changed, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 31, 107-113
י. בננסון, י. אומר, א. חטנה, 2006, "גיאו-סימולציה של דינאמיקה עירונית", תכנון, 14, 121 - 141
E. Zapassky, I. Finkelstein, I. Benenson (corresponding author), 2006, Ancient Standards of Volume: Negevite Iron Age pottery (Israel) as a Case Study in 3D Modeling, Journal of Archaeological Science, 33, 1734 – 1743
R. Peled, H. Reuveni, J. S. Pliskin, I. Benenson, E Hatna, A. Tal, 2006, Defining localities of inadequate treatment for childhood asthma: A GIS approach, International Journal of Health Geographics, 5(3), p. 1-9.
P. Torrens, I. Benenson, 2005, Geographic Automata Systems and Urban Simulation, International Journal of Geographic Information Systems, 19, N4, 385–412
I. Benenson, S. Aronovich, S. Noam, 2005, Let’s talk objects: Generic approach to high-resolution urban modeling, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 29, 425 - 453
I. Benenson, P. Torrens, 2004, Geosimulation – object-based modeling of urban systems, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 28(1/2), 1-8
י. בננסון, י. אומר, 2003, הטרוגניות של תפרוסת המגורים בעיר: מבט ברזולוציה גבוהה, מרחבים, 5, 9-22
I. Benenson, I. Omer, 2003, High-resolution Census data: a simple way to make them useful, Data Science Journal 2(26): 117-127.
I. Omer, I. Benenson, Investigating Fine-Scale Residential Segregation, by Means of Local Spatial Statistics, Geographical Research Forum, 2002, 12, 41-60
I. Benenson, I. Omer, E. Hatna, 2002, Entity-based modeling of urban residential dynamics - the case of Yaffo, Tel-Aviv. Environment and Planning B, 29, 491-512.
I. Benenson, 1999. Modeling population dynamics in the city: from a regional to a multi-agent approach. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3, 149-170.
I. Schnell, I. Benenson, M. Sofer, 1999, The Formation of an Arab Industrial Sales Network in Israel, Annals of Association of American Geographers, 89(2), 312-337.
I. Benenson, 1998, Multi-Agent Simulations of Residential Dynamics in the City, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 22(1), 25 - 42.
I. Benenson, M. Sofer, I. 1998, Schnell Analysis of Economic Networks: Geographical Information Systems as a Visualization Tool, Journal of Applied Geography, 18(2), 117-135.
J. Portugali, I. Benenson, 1995, Artificial Planning Experience by Means of a Heuristic Cell-Space Model: Simulating International Migration in the Urban Process. Environment and Planning A, 27, 1647-1665.
J. Portugali, I. Benenson, I. Omer 1994, Socio-spatial Residential Dynamics: Stability and Instability within a Self-Organized City, Geographical Analysis, 26(4) 321-340.
J. Portugali, I. Benenson, I. Omer, 1997, Spatial Cognitive Dissonance and Socio-Spatial Emergence in a Self-Organizing City, Environment and Planning B, 24, 263-285