Erez Hatna
PhD title: Modeling Urban Structure Dynamics as an Outcome of Individual Choice Behavior
Graduation year: 2011
Position: Clinical Associate Professor. College of Global Public Health. New York University
Research Interests:
urban systems
urban scaling laws
residential patterns
Agent based modeling
spatial analysis
models of contagion dynamics
Journal Articles
Cottineau C., Finance, O., Hatna E., Arcaute E. and Batty M., 2018. Defining urban clusters to detect agglomeration economies. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, p.2399808318755146.
Cottineau C., Hatna E., Arcaute E. and Batty M. 2017. Diverse cities or the systematic paradox of Urban Scaling Laws. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 63, pp.80-94.
Arcaute E, Molinero C, Hatna E, Murcio R, Vargas-Ruiz C, Masucci, AP, Batty M. 2016. Cities and Regions in Britain through hierarchical percolation. Royal Society Open Science. 3:150691.
Hatna E, Benenson I. 2015. Combining Segregation and Integration: Schelling Model Dynamics for Heterogeneous Population. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 18 (4).
Masucci AP., Arcaute E., Hatna E., Stanilov K., Batty M. 2015. On the problem of boundaries and scaling for urban street networks. J. R. Soc. Interface. 12: 20150763.
Klein E., Makowsky, M. Orlando M., Hatna E., Barykov N., Laxminarayan R. 2015. Influence of provider and urgent care density across different socioeconomic strata on outpatient antibiotic prescribing in the United States. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
Arcaute E., Hatna E., Ferguson P., Youn H., Johansson A., Batty M. 2015. Constructing cities, deconstructing scaling laws. J. R. Soc. Interface. 12: 20140745.
Epstein JM., Sauer LM., Chelen J., Hatna E., Parker J., Rothman RE. Rubinson L. 2014. Infectious disease: Mobilizing Ebola survivors to curb the epidemic. Nature 516 (7531). 323–325.
Masucci AP., Stanilov K., Arcaute E., Hatna, E. Batty M. 2013. Ergodic Properties of Urban Street Networks in the UK. 2013 International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems.
Verburg, PH, Tabeau A., Hatna, E. 2013. Assessing spatial uncertainties of land allocation using a scenario approach and sensitivity analysis: A study for land use in Europe. Journal of Environmental Management 127. S132–S144.
Hatna E, Benenson I. 2012. The Schelling Model of Ethnic Residential Dynamics: Beyond the Integrated - Segregated Dichotomy of Patterns. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 15 (1) 6.
Hatna E, Bakker MM. 2011. Abandonment and expansion of arable land in Europe. Ecosystems 14 (5). 720-731.
Benenson I, Hatna E. 2011. Minority-Majority Relations within the Schelling Model of Residential Dynamics. Geographical Analysis 43. 287-305.
Finkler H, Hatna E, Terkel J. 2011. The influence of neighbourhood socio-demographic factors on densities of free-roaming cat populations in an urban ecosystem in Israel. Wildlife Research 38 (3). 235-243.
Bakker MM, Hatna E, Mucher S, Kuhlman T. 2011. Changing environmental characteristics of European cropland. Agricultural Systems 104 (7). 522-532.
Finkler H, Hatna E, Terkel J. 2011. The impact of anthropogenic factors on the behavior, reproduction, management, and welfare of urban free-roaming cat populations. Anthrozoos 24 (1).
Benenson I, Hatna E, Or E. 2009. From Schelling to Spatially Explicit Modeling of Urban Ethnic and Economic Residential Dynamics. Sociological Methods and Research 37 (4). 463-497.
Hatna E, Benenson I. 2007. Building a City in vitro: The Experiment and the Simulation Model. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 34. 687-707.
Peled R, Reuveni H, Pliskin J, Benenson I, Hatna E, Tal A. 2006. Defining localities of inadequate treatment for childhood asthma: a GIS approach. International Journal of Health Geographics.
Benenson I, Hatna E, Omer I. 2006. Geo-simulation of urban dynamics. Journal of the Israeli Association of planners 3(1). 121-141
Benenson I, Omer I, Hatna E. 2002. Entity-based modeling of urban residential dynamics: the case of Yaffo, Tel Aviv. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 29: 491 – 512.
ArXiv Articles
Hatna E. 2017. Superlinear scaling in the urban system of England of Wales. A comparison with US cities. arXiv:1702.06623 [physics.soc-ph]
Cottineau C, Finance O, Hatna E, Arcaute E, Batty M. 2016. Defining urban agglomerations to detect agglomeration economies. arXiv:1601.05664 [physics.soc-ph].
Arcaute E, Molinero C, Hatna E, Murcio R, Vargas-Ruiz C, Masucci P, Wang J, Batty M. 2016. Regions and Cities in Britain through hierarchical percolation. arXiv:1504.08318 [physics.soc-ph].
Cottineau C, Hatna E, Arcaute E, Batty M. 2015. Paradoxical Interpretations of Urban Scaling Laws. arXiv:1507.07878 [physics.soc-ph].
Hatna E, Benenson I. 2014. Combining segregation and integration: Schelling model dynamics for heterogeneous population. arXiv:1406.5215 [physics.soc-ph].
Arcaute E, Hatna E, Ferguson P, Youn H, Johansson A, Batty M. 2013. City boundaries and the universality of scaling laws. arXiv:1301.1674 [physics.soc-ph].
Benenson I, Hatna E. 2009. The Third State of the Schelling Model of Residential Dynamics. arXiv:0910.2414v1 [physics.soc-ph].
Book chapters
Hatna E, Bakker MM. 2013. Long-term changes in the configuration of agriculture and natural areas around cities in the Netherlands (1900 – 1990). Cities and Nature. Czamanski D, Benenson I, Malkinson D (eds.). Springer.
Hatna E, Benenson I. 2011. Geosimulation of the Income-based Urban Residential Patterns. Advanced Geosimulation Models. Marceau D and Benenson I (eds). Bentham Science Publishers, Ltd., Hilversum, The Netherlands.
Tabeau A., Hatna E. and Verburg PH. 2010. Assessing spatial uncertainties of land allocation using the scenario approach and sensitivity analysis. Proceedings to the International EAAE-SYAL Seminar. Spatial Dynamics in Agrifood Systems.
Hatna E, Benenson I. 2007. Study of Urban Developers’ behavior in a Game Environment. The Dynamics of Complex Urban Systems. Albeverio S, Andrey D, Goirdano P, Vancheri A (eds). Pysica-Verlag. 265-286.
Benenson I, Omer I, Hatna E. 2003. Agent-Based Modeling of Householders Migration Behavior and its Consequences. Agent-Based Computational Demography. Billari, F. C. Prskawetz, A (eds). Physica- Verlag. 97-113.
Omer I, Hatna E, Benenson I. 2000. Modeling Human Residential Behavior. Proceedings to the first Georgian-Israeli Geographical Seminar. 116-137.