Research Interests:
transportation patterns
Big-Data analyses
spatially explicit transport simulation and modeling
GIS and Agent-Based modeling
economical game theory
Mobility and Accessibility
Klein, I., Levy, N., & Ben-Elia, E. (2018). Emergence of cooperation and a fair and stable system optimum using ATIS: An agent-based modeling approach. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 86, 183-201
Levy, N., Golani, C. & Ben-Elia, (2017). An exploratory study of spatial patterns of cycling in Tel Aviv using passively generated bike-sharing data. Journal of Transport Geography
Klein, I., Levy, N., & Ben-Elia, E. (2017). An Agent-Based Model of a System-Optimal ATIS. Procedia Computer Science, 109, 893-898.
Levy, N., & Ben-Elia, E. (2016). Emergence of system optimum: A fair and altruistic agent-based route-choice model. Procedia Computer Science, 83, 928–93317.
Levy, N., & Benenson, I. (2015). GIS-based method for assessing city parking patterns. Journal of Transport Geography (Q1), 46, 220-231.
Levy, N., Render, M., & Benenson, I. (2015). Spatially explicit modeling of parking search as a tool for urban parking facilities and policy assessment. Transport Policy (Q1), 39, 9-20.
Levy, N., Martens, K., & Benenson, I. (2013). Exploring cruising using agent-based and analytical models of parking. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science(Q1), 9(9), 773-797.
Levy, N. (2017). [Book Review] Computational Approaches for Urban Environments, Edited by Marci Helbich, Jamal Joker Arsanjani & Michael Leitner. Berlin: Springer International Publishing, 2015. In Geography Research Forum (Vol. 36, pp. 174-176)
Levy, N. (2014). [Book Review] Parking Reform Made Easy. Transport Reviews(Q1), 34(2), 267-269.
Martens, K., Benenson, I., & Levy, N. (2010). The dilemma of on-street parking policy: exploring cruising for parking using an agent-based model. In Geospatial Analysis and Modelling of Urban Structure and Dynamics (pp. 121-138). Springer Netherlands.
Benenson, I., Elia, E. B., Levy, N., Ashkenazi, S., & Medvedev, E. (2015, July). Serious game-based study of urban parking dynamics. In the XIII NECTAR International Conference.
Benenson, I., Levy, N., & Martens, K. (2013) Leaving the Ivory Tower of a System Theory: From Geosimulation of Parking Search to Urban Parking Policy-Making. – GeoComputation 2013
Benenson, I., Levy, N., & Martens, K. (2010). Cruise control: simulating parking behavior. INTERTRAFFIC WORLD, (158-62).
Levy, N., Bar-joseph, A., & Benenson, I (2013). Parking package for Bat-Yam city. Tnoa Ve Thabora magazine (40-44)
Benenson, I., Levy, N., & Martens, K. PARKAGENT computer based model for parking in the city. (2008) Tnoa Ve Thabora