PhD title: Dynamics of polycentric urban structure
Graduation year: 2012
Position: Assistant professor in the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning. Technion – Israel Technological Institute
Affiliation: Technion, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
Research Interests:
Urban and regional economics
Economic geography
Systems modeling
Ecological and environmental economics
Land use change
Broitman Dani, Ayalon Ofira, Kan Iddo. "One size fits all? An assessment tool for solid waste management at local and national levels". Waste Management 32 1979-1988, 2012
Broitman Dani, Czamanski Daniel. "Cities in competition, characteristic time and leapfrogging developers". Environment and Planning B, 39(6) 1105-1118, 2012
Broitman Dani, Czamanski Daniel. "A model of the emergence of urban sub-centers in the face of varying planning policies and developers’ characteristics". URISA Journal, 24(1) 25–33, 2012
Czamanski Daniel, Broitman Dani. "Developers’ choices under varying characteristic time and competition among municipalities". Annals of Regional Science, 49(3) 733–743, 2012
Broitman Dani, Koomen Eric. "Regions and housing stock: a decade of urban and peri-urban housing dynamics". Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. 8(3) 201–217, 2015
Broitman Dani, Czamanski Daniel. "Bursts and avalanches: the dynamics of polycentric urban evolution". Environment and Planning B 42(1) 58–75, 2015
Broitman Dani, Koomen Eric. "Residential density change: intensification and urban extension". Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 54 32–46, 2015
Zusman Marina, Broitman Dani, Portnov Boris. "Application of the Double Kernel Density Approach to the Multivariate Analysis of Attributeless Event Point Datasets". Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. 9(3) 363-382, 2015
Czamanski Daniel, Broitman Dani. "Information and Communication Technology and the spatial evolution of mature cities". Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 58 30-38, 2016
Broitman Dani, Czamanski Daniel, Toger Marina. "The complex interactions between cities and nature". Quality Innovation Prosperity 21(1) 92-105, 2017
Czamanski Daniel, Broitman Dani. "The life cycle of cities". Habitat International, 72 100-108, 2018 (SJR H-index 47, Q1)
Raviv Orna, Broitman Dani, Ayalon Ofira, Kan Iddo. "The Power of Logistics: A regional optimization model for waste-to-energy generation using agricultural vegetative residuals". Waste Management, 73 546-555, 2018
Broitman Dani, Raviv Orna, Ayalon Ofira, Kan Iddo. "Designing an Agricultural Vegetative Waste-Management System under Uncertain Prices of Treatment-Technology Output Products". Forthcoming in Waste Management, 2018